The Brand Theory Blog

The 6 B2B Marketing Metrics That Matter

Written by Carter Edsall | Apr 17, 2024 6:41:00 PM

For B2B founders, marketing can feel like a gamble. When the race is on to bring a product to market, get out ahead of the competition, and be the first to sail into that blue ocean, brands cannot afford to waste time or money on random acts of marketing. And yet, growth is critical. What’s a brand to do?


B2B marketing metrics are a powerful compass when competition is fierce and the margin for error is small. These data points provide key insights to help you navigate your marketing decisions and grow your business predictably and profitably – without guesswork.


For B2B founders and CEOs, the path to sustainable success begins with knowing which metrics matter. It's not just about tracking numbers; it's about deciphering what those numbers tell you about your business, customers, and market. In this comprehensive guide, we'll unveil the six essential B2B marketing metrics that are the foundation for growth and stability. From awareness to referral, each metric charts a route to deeper insights and strategic decisions that can catapult your business to steady and predictable growth. 




An Easier Way to Track B2B Marketing Metrics

“Pirate Metrics,” or AAARRR, famously dubbed by Dave McClure, stands as a landmark framework for startups and businesses seeking to gauge their growth and pinpoint their focus. This handy acronym captures the six pivotal stages of the digital marketing customer journey: Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Revenue, Retention, and Referral. Empowered by these essential KPIs, B2Bs can make data-led decisions to fuel growth.


McClure's model simplifies the complex nature of marketing metrics into a straightforward, actionable strategy, preventing overwhelm and providing a roadmap to a data-driven approach.




Awareness is a critical first step in B2B marketing that gauges brand recognition and understanding among potential clients. It aligns with the beginning of the customer's journey and paves the way for prospects to engage with your product or service. To measure awareness, businesses use metrics such as website traffic analytics, social media reach and engagement rates, search engine rankings, and brand mention volume.


Strong brand awareness makes it easier to nurture prospects down the sales funnel and increase the efficiency of marketing spend, as it amplifies the impact of all subsequent marketing activities. Investing in building and measuring awareness is not just about making your brand known; it's about setting the stage for all future interactions with potential customers, making it a critical determinant of long-term business success.




Acquisition signifies an aware prospect's transition to an engaged lead that shows initial interest in your product or service. It's when potential clients take the first step towards becoming customers, via taking a specific action on your website, clicking on a lead magnet, or commenting on a social media post. 


Key acquisition metrics include click-through rates, time on page, and engagement levels with marketing emails or content pieces. These metrics help quantify the effectiveness of your content marketing strategies in making your product or service resonate with potential customers on a deeper level. 


Understanding and optimizing acquisition is crucial to converting leads into customers. Without a successful customer acquisition strategy, even the most aware prospects can slip through the cracks, leaving your sales funnel prematurely. 




Activation in B2B marketing involves transforming engaged leads into paying customers. Often this occurs when a prospect books a meeting and subsequently becomes an SQL. Activation reflects the company's ability to establish a relationship based on its value proposition


Measuring activation metrics provides invaluable insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales and marketing funnel. To accurately measure activation, track key metrics like lead scoring, conversion rates, and customer acquisition cost (CAC), which reflects the total cost of acquiring a new customer when considering marketing and sales expenses. Additionally, the sales cycle length offers perspective on the time it takes for a lead to progress through the funnel to become a customer. Analyzing these metrics collectively helps fine-tune strategies, allocate resources more effectively, and identify areas for improvement.




Revenue, the lifeblood of your business, is a key metric for assessing the success of your B2B growth marketing efforts. 


Key revenue metrics include Lifetime Value (LTV), which calculates the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer account. When juxtaposed with Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), this metric offers a clear view of the profitability and sustainability of acquiring new customers. Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) and Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) are essential for businesses with subscription models, providing insights into the steady income generated from customers over time. Additionally, the Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) to Customer Conversion Rate sheds light on the effectiveness of your marketing and sales funnel by revealing the proportion of qualified leads that turn into customers.


These B2B marketing metrics offer a quantifiable measure of how well your marketing strategies align with customer acquisition and retention goals and provide insight into the financial health of the business. By understanding the nuances and interplay between these metrics, companies can make informed decisions to refine their marketing approaches, ensuring they contribute positively to revenue growth.




Retention is the continuous engagement and re-engagement of existing customers to foster and maintain long-lasting business relationships. Why is it important? Because retaining an existing customer is often more cost-effective than acquiring a new one. Customer retention also plays a pivotal role in sustainable business growth, as loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and champion the business through word-of-mouth.


Measuring retention rates and customer loyalty involves tracking various metrics, such as the Customer Retention Rate, which calculates the percentage of customers a company retains over a specific period. Another crucial metric is the Repeat Purchase Ratio, which indicates the proportion of customers who have made more than one purchase. Net Promoter Score (NPS) offers insights into customer loyalty by measuring their likelihood to recommend your company to others.


What are the best ways to enhance retention? 


  • Leverage personalized customer interactions and communications to create a more engaging and tailored experience. 
  • Implement a customer feedback loop to gather and act on customer input.
  • Offer exclusive perks or loyalty programs for recurring customers.


For SaaS and recurring-revenue-based businesses, measuring and monitoring churn rates is crucial. Churn rate, the percentage of customers who cancel their subscription over a certain period, directly impacts recurring revenue and growth potential. By understanding and analyzing churn, companies can identify underlying issues, refine their value proposition, and implement targeted retention strategies to minimize attrition and maximize customer lifetime value.




Referral is a force multiplier for growth in B2B markets. It leverages your existing customer base to drive new business, reducing the cost of acquisition and improving lead quality. Key metrics to measure the impact of referrals include Referral Rate, Customer Referral Value (CRV), and the Conversion Rate of Referred Leads.


Maximizing the impact of referrals on your business involves incorporating referral programs within your marketing framework. Creating compelling referral incentives motivates existing customers to refer and enhances their loyalty and satisfaction. Regularly communicating the success and appreciation of referrals to your customer base reinforces the value of each referral, encouraging a continuous cycle of referrals. Furthermore, employing analytics to segment and target high-value referrers can optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of referral programs.



Creating Impact Through B2B Marketing Metrics

Monitoring these B2B marketing metrics—awareness, activation, acquisition, revenue, retention, and referral—equips brands with a treasure map to unearth hidden opportunities and dodge potential pitfalls. Regularly tracking this data ensures your growth marketing efforts are not a shot in the dark but a well-aimed cannonball, delivering maximum impact. 


By measuring these variables, you strategically position your company to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate challenges in real time. Successful B2B marketing is not serendipitous. It stems from a calculated, data-driven approach that aligns seamlessly with your business objectives, propelling growth and ensuring sustainability. In an era dominated by data, understanding and acting upon these metrics is pivotal for staying competitive and achieving long-term success.


At Brand Theory, we track and measure these metrics for our clients and ourselves monthly and quarterly. This data helps us determine which efforts are most successful and what tactics need to be tweaked or abandoned altogether. This deep dive into data helps us measure our impact, steer our quarterly campaigns, and double down on our successes – ensuring that every marketing dollar spent generates growth. Tired of wasting time and money on ineffective marketing? Book a no-obligation introduction to Brand Theory today.